Aastha Sneha Pathak





“Nobody should have to outlive their child”

Recently happened to see “The Buckingham Murders” on Netflix. Apart from the very clickbaity name, the rest of the movie is quite a beautiful piece of art. And it has left me thinking for long after it has ended.While the movie’s acting, direction, editing, costumes, locations, etc, are excellent, this is not a cinema review post. However, the movie's authentic portrayals have stirred a deep seate...


I hear the cry when I am not in the same room when you open your eyes. I roll my eyes , dropping whatever I was doing. Here comes the first in the series of commands for the day. I see you rubbing your eyes, asking if you have to go to school, and the look of sheer sadness that follows. I hold your face, your tiny tiny face in the cup of my arms. The most fragrant smell in the world fills up my no...