Sameer Gudhate

What You Resist Persists

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending struggle with your own emotions, only to find them growing stronger with each attempt to push them away? This is the paradox of resistance—the more we fight against something, the more power it seems to gain over us. It’s a frustrating cycle that many of us find ourselves trapped in, but understanding it can be the first step toward breaking f...

The Garden Reveals About Its Gardener

On a sweltering summer day, I found myself wandering through my garden, and what I saw took my breath away. The once-lush greenery, vibrant with life, had surrendered to neglect. The flowers, which had once stood proudly, now drooped under the weight of withering petals. The rich colors that had once painted a lively portrait of nature now appeared as faded whispers of their former selves. The wee...

Sameer Gudhate