manan dedhia

7 months ago


Vengeance has its place. 

Violence has its place. 

We’ve just created a kinder gentler machine gun hand. 

A biological pancake with a smothering fables and syrup.

Bon Appetite. 

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One simple mistake leads to a severe penalty. Or so I think. In the moments that follow, my inner star is starved of all its fuel and implodes into a black hole. Sucking up all the joy around me. There is no mirth, no hope. I straddle a weird line - something between going through the motions and thinking of next steps. Plan B, C and so on. And then Plan C is live. Then Plan B. So, everything is b...

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A History

The newness of everything had faded. Even momentary renewal would have helped. So I left. Went as far as I dared. When the scenery was just about unidentifiable, I stopped. Near a cinema. Went in and bought a ticket. Didn't know what was playing or when. Screen flickers on a mostly empty house. And moments later I have company. Another educational vagabond. Law student. We exchange pleasantries. W...

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Starting writing on thinkdeli.

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