Vignesh Kannan

Just having fun and coasting through whatever life throws @ me





Rant on the recent high-profile divorce shenanigans

The recent divorce announcement of cricketer Hardik Pandya and Natasha Stankovic has sparked a contentious debate in my head, highlighting some deeply troubling aspects of our society and social media culture.Hardik Pandya's past behavior, particularly his controversial comments on the Karan Johar show, has long been a point of concern. This incident shed light on his problematic views towards wom...

Ramblings of my mind : On Children

Listen, I am the first one to be going WHATTT at the title because I’m sure I am not fully ready to understand and fathom whatever I write below, but that’s why it is a rambling no?! Here goes,Man, for the longest time ever, children have fascinated me. And not like it is easy to raise one, easy to make them into a well-rounded individual who can take on all that the world has to offer. For sure t...

Ramblings of my mind : On Children

Note on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Cinema in itself has a great way of making you feel all the feels.I am not as big of a cinema buff or a proclaimed “can give you suggestions on what you have to watch” person (although I do force down a few watches to people who I know will enjoy them or people who respect and consider the suggestion of mine worthy of their time). I think if you’ve not seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, give it...

Note on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty