manan dedhia

10 months ago

Epilogue: SUV-Glam

Glam metal confused and splintered the metal music industry. 

But it did not deter true creatives and real diehards.

In the relative silence of the underground, the people who loved the music went to work. And from those wonderfully weird depths of darkness sprang forth a beautiful fountain of art. 

When glam was ready to roll over and die under a mound of cocaine and hubris, the curtains revealed a veritable feast - Grunge, Nu-metal, Black, Death, Doom, Progressive, Tech, Folk, Kawaii etc. - a sub-genre for any adjective you can think of. 

As the wise Eric Martin Ain put it, “…there are many many more shades and colors to darkness than just black….”

Today metal is creatively fecund and well. And that gives me hope. 

At some point, the world will see the foolishness that is the SUV epidemic. 

And when the SUV’s eventually fuck off into the back halls of posterity - because something else becomes popular, what kind of vehicles and automotive solutions will take its place? 

What shapes and sounds and capacities lie in the beyond? What modes of propulsion?

I cannot wait for the future already. An SUV-less future? Maybe not.

But a less-SUV future. Let's fucking go.


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manan dedhia

Never go full glam.

If you are younger or more musically discriminating or just uninterested in anything 80’s, you wouldn’t have heard of this term called glam metal.

Never go full glam.
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