Pradeep Mohandas

3 months ago

Jackie Shroff’s clip about Anda Curry Patta

Someone posted a clip,
Asking Jackie Shroff a recipe,
That he could make easily.

I tried his recipe,
But gave up midway
B'coz I don't like curry patta.


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Read more by Pradeep Mohandas
An Apolitical Therapist

Can self-care exist without community care?Everything is broken,\r\nAt each perspective,\r\nSelf, Community, and the Universe.\r\n\r\nA yellow notepad,\r\nAny useful pen,\r\nAnd a vital question.\r\n\r\nA curious mind,\r\nSome mental models,\r\nAnd a very patient ear.\r\n\r\nAre these tools,\r\nEnough to treat the Self?\r\nIsn't something missing?\r\n\r\nOnce the Self is cared,\r\nThen Community c...


Tell me about despair, yours, and I\r\nWill tell you mine.\r\nIn the shared story of our despairs,\r\nI may find some connection.\r\n\r\nI've had enough despairs to,\r\nLast a lifetime.\r\nBut the connection can be one,\r\nThat ends my despair.

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