Pradeep Mohandas

4 months ago

Reclaim Saffron. Make Biriyani.

A recipe for biriyani,
Came to me from Di,
She told me that it would help,
To impress my wife to be.

I tried it once to make at home,
Following the words to the T.
It came out wrong and was so bad,
It didn't even impress me.

Distraught and blaming my bad luck,
I went running back to Di.
Reclaim Saffron, make Biriyani,
Was all she said to me.


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Instructions for Living a Life. Pay attention.

As a young child,\r\nI always went looking,\r\nIn books and in elders,\r\nThe instructions for living a life.\r\n\r\nAs a teenager,\r\nI went looking,\r\nFor the instructions of living a life,\r\nSo I could break them as I please.\r\n\r\nAs a young adult,\r\nI went looking,\r\nThe search got me a job, a wife, and children.\r\nBut no instructions for living a life.\r\n\r\nAs an adult,\r\nI realised...


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