manan dedhia

3 months ago

Music folder

I love good music. Generally and specifically. 

To me, listening to music intentionally everyday is more important than caffeine. Or food. 

Effects of deprivation and/or contamination of this important nutrient are known to be unpleasant. 

But even in the ocean of all the amazing music that floats around, there are certain pieces of music, that hold more “value” than others. 

For a multitude of reasons : lyrics, music, nostalgia, shock value, fun - whatever the vector is that makes a particular song memorable. 

Not perfect, but memorable. Maybe emotive is a better description. 

Such music lives in a playlist of its own - and thankfully grows with time. 

Hyper personalized, always available and never apologized for. 


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Satyajeet Jadhavashwin dokesanika joshi

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manan dedhia

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