More is more.
There are many kinds of songs in this world.
Songs that tell stories.
Songs that showcase the talents of the songwriters.
Songs that are inspiring.
Songs that are leaps of the imagination.
Songs that suit certain moods and mind states.
And then there are songs that have all of these.
Like this one - Five Hundred and One (
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Music folder
I love good music. Generally and specifically.
Songs for our times
Time is better than money. Spend it on some good music. Toodaloo.
Musical 24 hours.. What Magic uff
It all started with hearing a voice note of someone describing the magic of a collaboration between Eddie Veder and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ji song, without sharing the name.. Thus began the journey into music, the next 24 hours that I’d never have imagined..(being bedridden and un...
Basic Rhythms
We all find life lessons and values in things that we are attached to and like.
Genie in a Bottle
It’s a pop banger from the 90’s.
Happy Thanksgiving
Music, this wonderfully weird arrangement of myriad sounds, is entertainment. At least on its shimmering surface.
Aham Brahmasmi
Anyone who has grown up in an Eastern civilization and / or been exposed to Eastern schools of thought, can immediately and innately relate to this.
How to find new artists
A friend posed a question yesterday - how do you discover new venues or new artists?
Most days I can relate to some songs on this album.