manan dedhia

3 months ago


Reading “In Xanadu” felt like revisiting an emotion that felt familiar. 

I certainly don't know the locations and characters that are mentioned in the book.

But when their quest ends, the author mentions feeling a void within. That a quest which requires so much sacrifice and time and effort was over in one fell swoop. A dream that someone might have held long enough to light, and keep lit, this raging motivation to complete a quest is not easy to consign to the pages of Past. The restlessness that follows is unbearable. The mind tries to hold with bare nails. 

This i can relate to. I have felt that void within and the restlessness that follows. There is no rational manner in which I can explain what drives one to act in such a manner. But it does and we have little say in the matter. You follow the path illuminated by the lights that your mind has gently seemed appropriate to appear. 


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