manan dedhia

a year ago

A Bronx Tale

Criminally underrated movie. A beautiful story simply and powerfully told. 


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manan dedhia

Sally up, Sally down

My memory of this song is inextricably intertwined with the movie“Gone in 60 seconds”. I just recently heard this song during a workout session and it triggered a response strong enough for me to listen to this song for 2 days straight (still playing..) and read its lyrics....

manan dedhia


There is no logical reason for this association. Not one I can fathom anyway. Only commonality being that the view and the song are memorable.

Rahul Pawar

Miss Hokusai review

Miss Hokusai is a Japanese anime movie set around early 1800s in erstwhile Tokyo, called“Edo”. The principle character is O-Ei, daughter of a famous painter and a talented painted herself.

Miss Hokusai review
Satyajeet Jadhav

What do you not have enough of?

I live near the HAL airport in Bangalore. It is used for airforce test flights. Once in a while, some VIP planes will land here. The king and queen of England landed here last month when they were on a private visit to Bengaluru.