Adithya Venkatesan

2 days ago

Bababudangiri coffee ourobrous

I really like this (👇) coffee from Third Wave. It's the perfect combination of sweet notes and a mellow aftertaste.

But, what is Babudangiri?

This story ends with my old man, and the ouroboros of life 😜

It all starts in the 16th century with a traveller in Yemen who has coffee for the first time. He instantly loves it.

He quickly learns that the city's authorities had banned anyone from taking the coffee outside their territory.

The enterprising man straps 7 coffee beans to his beard and manages to smuggle them to…

Chikmagalur, Karnataka.

That’s the origin of coffee in India.

This man‘s name, Baba Budan.

He smuggled the coffee from the port city, ‘Mocha’.

This historical titbit is from Krish Ashok’s fantastic video on the science of coffee

The Baba Budangiri hills also has a shrine that that is revered by both, Hindus and Muslims. Such is his importance and significance in the region.

My old man has been in the business of coffee for the better part of 3 decades now. And it turns out, his company sells som of this coffee from the prestigious hills of Bababudangiri to…


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