Satyajeet Jadhav

I am the creator of thinkdeli. I write a lot to clear my mind. I publish my writing here.





G-Force Parenting

I was watching First Man - a movie about Neil Armstrong. In one scene, he has just docked his spacecraft with the Lunar module during a mission in the lead up to the moon landing. Everything seems fine. Suddenly, their spacecraft starts spinning uncontrollably. They try communicating with the Capcom. But they get no real help. The G force is so strong, the co-pilot passes out. Neil Armstrong is tr...

Quality of Life

A quote I have recently stumbled upon and has stayed with me since is Annie Dillard’s “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” It is a remarkable quote. It captures such a profound insight in a simple beautiful way. I realized once again that I am spending my days doom scrolling instagram and youtube. How did I find the time you ask? Am I not supposed to be busy building my c...

Quality of Life

Different priorities

I was visiting my parents six months ago when this thought crossed my mind for the first time. The car won’t unlock. I came back upstairs. “Why won’t the car unlock? I think the battery is down. Did you leave the lights on by mistake?” “Didn’t we change the battery last week?”, dad asked.“You changed the battery?”“Arey, the battery in the key!\, mom explained. “Didn’t you change it last week?”, da...

“All this”

Most days I don’t want my son to grow up so fast. I don’t know if there is a term for this phenomenon. But parents often complain how fast their kids are growing up! May be we want to freeze the time so that we get to enjoy these precious moments longer.But for certain things, I want my son to grow up quickly. Movies is one of those things. I can’t wait for the day when he starts appreciating the...

Thoughts on writing

Writing forces reflection. That is what makes it difficult. The monkey brain is happy jumping from one thought to another. Writing forces the brain to focus. It does so more than any other form of creation.I don’t know a lot of people to whom writing comes naturally. Thinking feels natural, so does talking. Writing doesn’t. You know the writing is good when you read something that feels simple, a...

Small Wins

I have a strange relationship with productivity. Like most people, I am not productive every day. But I have a pattern. I am productive for around 3 days in a row. Then my productivity dips to zero, with a thud. On such days, I am not productive at all. I need to slack off. Unchecked, I can’t get anything done. This pattern is ok when you are working alone. But when you have a team and customers,...

“What does he want?”

Trying to make a list of people I know who can help me get new customers. I look at each name and try to remember my relation with the person. I wonder if they remember me. I wonder if they will be annoyed that I am contacting them out of the blue. I haven’t made an effort to stay in touch over the past many years. And now I am reaching out when I need something. I hope that a few of them will ...

Strange Relationships

In the past few years I have realized a very strange thing. The fiercest sports rivals become the best friends somehow!How does that happen?Any kid in the past decade could have sworn that Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are enemies. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. They are best friends who cry at each other’s retirements. Same thing with the Aussie giants like Hayden, and Gilchrist an...


I enjoy driving in Bangalore more than anywhere else. I know, you must be thinking I am crazy. “Poor guy has gone crazy after coding day and night and not getting paid.” Well, that might be happening to a certain extent. But more on that later, if ever.Bangalore has the prettiest streets. I am not talking about the ORRs or Sarjapur Roads. I don’t ever want to drive on those roads. I am talking of...
