Apurva chaudhary

17 days ago

Getting started with Specialty Black Coffee

I frequently get asked on where to get started with Specialty Black coffee. Specially around which equipments to buy and which ones to ignore profusely. 

Few disclaimers:

  1. Both Aeropress and V60 require a fair bit of learning curve

  2. There is a fair bit of investment required when it comes to coffee equipments

Assuming, we are fine to make these investments when it comes to Time and Money, LTFG 🚀

Coffee Equipment Recommendations

Setup 1: Immersion + Pressure (Aeropress)

Manual Brewing Method:


Brewing Guide:


  • Aeropress is pretty foolproof. You'll get a solid cup every time.

  • Skip the espresso roast for this method.

  • Perfect for camping since it packs up nicely.

  • Coffee to water ratio: 1:17 (e.g., 17g coffee to 187ml water).

Set Up 2: Pour Over (V60)

Manual Brewing Method:

  • Coffee Equipment: V60 Coffee Dripper 01 Red PP (Ceramic option available if you want to splurge, I recommend the plastic one as it doesn’t dissipate the heat faster)


Additional Equipment:

Brewing Guide:


  • This method is a bit more sophisticated and takes time to master.

  • Use light roast beans only; medium, medium light, or dark roasts don't work well with this method.

  • While travel-friendly, this method is less forgiving than Aeropress.

  • Coffee to water ratio: 1:15 (e.g., 11g coffee to 165ml water).

Happy brewing! ☕

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Satyajeet Jadhav
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