Being Rooted
Root- so many definitions or understandings can come from this one word..Root was the name of a restaurant in the most recent movie I watched.. And it got back so many memories of -
Being Rooted in
Being one with the Roots
Deep Rooted pains/memories/
Deep Rooted conditioning/knowing
Roots that go deep deep down, under the surface and engulf your being above the surface. So much of our growing years when these roots are getting formed, if only we knew how much they would impact the rest of our lives.. How they would shape The Tree of Our lives.. Could we/ Did we have the power to change them then? To be able to change the course of our future lives? Maybe not..
Do we have the power to change how we effect the course of our children's lives? How are we shaping their Roots? What are we watering into the Roots for them to become their True, Full Potential ,Tree of Their Lives, possibly Yes.
Roots are unstoppable,Roots are free flowing, Roots don't see what's coming in their way, they just make their own way , create new paths, they are resilient, they are strong, they are powerful, because there was nothing stopping them..
How much am I hindering that flow? Everyday, with every instruction, with every action, where my ‘parent authority comes in and decides ‘i know better’ squandering the individual who chose me to Parent her soul, who actually is here and is my Zen Master.
Everyday, every moment I'm learning to tell myself-
Let the Roots Flow,
Let the Roots be Unbound,
Let the Roots Spread,
Let the Roots be Unhinged,
Let the Roots be Unabashed,
Let the Roots be Untamed
Let the Roots BE
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