Satyajeet Jadhav

9 months ago

Formatting on thinkdeli


To create a heading add one or more #  symbols before your heading text. One #  creates a Heading 1, two ##  create a Heading 2, and so on.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

You can also create headings using the slash menu which shows up when you press the / key.

Styling text


**Bold text**

Bold text


_Italic text_

Italic text


~~strikethrough text~~

strikethrough text


==highlight text==

highlighted text


To underline text, select the text and use the keyboard shortcut cmd+u or ctrl+u.


To create a coding block you can use three back ticks ``` . You can also create a code block using the / menu.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for x in fruits:

You can use single ticks around a word to mark it as code too. For example

The `console.log` function in javascript is useful for debugging.

The console.log function in javascript is useful for debugging.

Quote Text

A right caret > Lets you create a section of quote text. 

Heading 3 in quote text

This is an example of quote text

You can also create such a section using the / menu.


You can directly paste or type links.

Typed link - 

Pasted link - You can select the text and use the keyboard paste shortcut to create a link. For example, thinkdeli


You can paste images or select images using the / menu.

You can also use Markdown syntax for adding images. For example,

![Sunset at a lake](

Sunset at a lake


Bullet Lists

To start a bullet list, use -, *, or +.

- Sachin Tendulkar
* Saurav Ganguly
+ Rahul Dravid
  • Sachin Tendulkar

  • Saurav Ganguly

  • Rahul Dravid

You can also create a list using the / menu. 

Numbered Lists

To start a numbered list start the line with a number and a period. For example, 1.

1. Mahendra Singh Dhoni
2. Virat Kohli
3. Rohit Sharma
  1. Mahendra Singh Dhoni

  2. Virat Kohli

  3. Rohit Sharma

To-do Lists

To start a todo list type empty square brackets at the start of the line [].

  • This tasks needs to be done.

  • This is task was done.

Nested Lists

You can also create nested bullet, numbered lists, or to-do lists. Simply press the tab key before typing the next item in the list.

Example of a nested bullet list.

  • This is the top level

  • Another item at the top level

    • Nesting begins

    • This is level 2

      • This is level 3

Example of a nested numbered list.

  1. Earth

    1. Asia

      1. India

      2. China

    2. Africa

    3. North America

    4. South America

    5. Australia

    6. Europe

    7. Antartica

Example of a nested to-do list.

  • Set up a call with Acme Inc tomorrow morning

  • Prepare for product demo

    • Ensure website is up and running

    • Ensure documentation is in place

  • Follow up with an email


You can add emojis by typing : followed by a search term for the emoji. 


This will bring up the following list to choose from.

Date and Time

Typing @date will render today’s date and @time will render the current time.






Liked by

Satyajeet Jadhav

Comments ( 2 )

ashwin doke

a year ago

This is good documentation to give an idea on how to beautify the page.

Awesome! Glad you think so.

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Satyajeet Jadhav


thinkdeli is a light and fast writing app. It lets you take notes instantly without any need for navigation or searching.