ashwin doke

a month ago

B2B Sales - Highlighting the obvious

We shall cover- 

  • Making a GTM for Divya’s Pinky Promise

  • Basics of B2B Sales

  • What will be your X factor ?

  • Key to Success

  • References 

Basics of B2B Sales

  • Hunting and Farming

  • Clarity on what your goal is (revenue, number of clients, revenue size)

  • What is needed to achieve your goal

  • Key Learning - Every output is dependent on input variables 

  • Leverages right tools - Data (information), Account Plan, contact details, CRM

What will be your X factor ?

  • Focus on learning (very very very important in Tech Sales)

    • Customer is smart, well read, and speaks with multiple vendors 

  • Value your time

    • It is very easy to stay busy and not create value

    • don’t hide behind grunt work / comfort zone

    • Templatize everything - introduction email, battlecards (you vs competition), answers for obvious objections and questions

  • Information gathering

    • More you know about the account, higher the chances to win

    • Account plan should cover -

      • Stakeholders - 

        • Decision Makers

        • Influencers

        • Champions

        • Who is anti- you ?

      • Who is pro- competition

      • Budget with the client - Can they afford what you are selling them

      • Strategic initiatives

  • Prioritize

    • Understand difference between important and urgent

    • Understand what is important in long term, and in short term (learn to do both. Its not either or)

      • Unleash the multiple versions of you

    • Spend your time and energy wisely

    • Some clients just want to learn what is new in market, try to identify and spend less time on it

  • Its art of boxing

    • More power in every punch (planned approach), and

    • More number of punches (more deals)

  • What did I learn this week ? (optimize for long term growth)

    • Technical

    • About the client/s

    • About the sector

      This improves employability

Key to Success

  • Build a strong plan

  • Monitor closely (not because bosses are asking, but because you want to plan better)

  • improvise (keep what works, drop what doesn’t)

  • iterate / repeat

Planning covers

  1. Define your Ideal Customer Profile

  2. Conduct thorough research

  3. Develop a compelling value proposition (Why us?)

  4. Personalize outreach (how do you reach out to the client)

  5. Leverage multi-channel approach

  6. Follow up strategically

  7. Build relationships

  8. Leverage sales tools and technology - CRM, Note taking, writing minutes of the meeting etc

  9. Measure and optimize (what to focus on?)

References -

Book - Qualified Sales Leader by John McMohan

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