Pradeep Mohandas

4 months ago

I'm Learning So Many Different Ways to be Quiet

Looking at the night sky,
I'm quiet.
I ponder about the depths 
of the universe.
Its planets, stars, and galaxies.

Looking at the world go by,
I'm quiet.
I ponder about the depths,
Of the people.
Their joys, wishes, and sorrows.

Looking at my mobile screen,
I'm quiet.
I ponder about the depths,
Of the apps.
Their colors, swipe, and scroll.

Looking at my wife and kids,
I'm quiet.
I ponder about the depths,
Of their hurt.
Seeing me so quiet.

Comments ( 1 )

manan dedhia

4 months ago

Very pithy.

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Read more by Pradeep Mohandas
Kitchen table

A place to talk,\r\nDeep, important things,\r\nA place to keep,\r\nSilly and important things.\r\n\r\nThe daughter's doodles,\r\nThe son eating noodles,\r\nThe positive pregnancy test,\r\nOr even just a place to rest.\r\n\r\nFrom silent prayers,\r\nHugs and kisses, \r\nTo loud fights,\r\nIn silent nights.\r\n\r\nIt need not always be,\r\nA real table you see,\r\nIt could just be,\r\nAny corner or ...

Today I am angry. Today I am hopeful.

Today I am angry.\r\nI don't know anything,\r\nBut of the little that I know,\r\nI don't know nothing.\r\n\r\nToday I am hopeful,\r\nI know what I don't know,\r\nThat's the first step of learning.\r\n\r\n

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