Keitaki Natu

6 months ago

I heard everything but myself 

When a day came without human voices, this is what I heard: 

Cracking bones after oversleeping

Crunch of a fruit then a gulp

Watermelon seeds spitted in a bowl

The clock, running and mocking

A lonely bird’s call, anticipating love

A bus honking on a distant highway, enjoying the empty road to itself

A neighbour’s hurried footsteps in the apartment upstairs

Creak of door, a lull, a drawn out sigh.

Gulps of water quenching a parched throat

An absence, a disconnect, a heartbreak.

I heard his silence but could not hear myself saying ‘I am enough’.


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Satyajeet Jadhavsanika joshiaditi jangidGunjan RastogiNeha Goyal

Comments ( 1 )

Parnal Sattikar

6 months ago

Beautifully written!!

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