manan dedhia

3 months ago

London Calling

An empire of siphoning and hiding money. 

A Roman settled curio shop for the royals. 

Greenery and magpies. 


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jaee jadhav

Did you know….

Another amusing fact about promenading is that some people would even bring their pets, but not just dogs—exotic pets like monkeys, parrots, and even peacocks. These animals were often dressed up in tiny outfits to match their owners' elaborate clothing, turning the promenade int...

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Sukanya Patil

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A view with concrete roofs of multiple buildings, connected to each other by wifi cables. This has been my ideal view for bird watching for the longest time. A view outside my door.

Uncommon view.
Sayali Kasar


11 years ago, I recall my first day at Novartis' head office in Worli. It was my first experience in a corporate setting, my internship that was going to get me my first paycheck. It was thrilling and exciting, and I felt like the world was my playground. I remember having a new ...

jaee jadhav


So, I went to our routine vegetable vendor, for ideas.He was totally into it and pulled out all the red goodies he had. We have pomegranates, strawberries🍓, 🍎 apples, Amaranth(reddish-pink), plastic 🙄bound tomatoes 🍅!
