jaee jadhav

2 months ago

Did you know…. 

Promenade is a fancy word for going out walking! 

Strolling became a popular pastime among Britain's upper classes in the 18th century. This activity, often referred to as "promenading," was a fashionable way for people to see and be seen 👀. 

It was a way for the upper classes to display their wealth 💰, fashion, and social status. By dressing in their finest clothes and walking in popular areas, they could show off their status to others.

Another amusing fact about promenading is that some people would even bring their pets, but not just dogs—exotic pets like monkeys, parrots, and even peacocks. These animals were often dressed up in tiny outfits to match their owners' elaborate clothing, turning the promenade into quite a spectacle of fashion and flair. Haha. Now, that's really some show! :)

Promenading had a significant impact on urban planning and architecture. The creation of promenades, parks, and boulevards was often driven by the desire to provide suitable venues for this activity. These spaces were meticulously designed to accommodate the social rituals of promenading, influencing the layout and aesthetic of entire cities!!

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Satyajeet Jadhavsanika joshi

Comments ( 3 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

2 months ago

I would love to promenade still. 😅. But unfortunately now we are planning all our urban spaces exclusively around cars. A real tragedy.

jaee jadhav

2 months ago

I wonder with so many heavy, multi-layer clothes 'पसारा' how could anyone promenade then!

sanika joshi

2 months ago

Haha so true.

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