Pradeep Mohandas

2 months ago

Colonization behind the mask

I first walked up to the door,
Said I wanted to help,
They said they needed no help.

I then walked up to the door,
The door of the King of the neighbourhood,
He said he needed no help.

I then walked up to the door,
The door of the King,
But, I went with an army that defeated him.

Colonization comes at your door,
Making offers like e-commerce sites,
And makes you a slave.
Read more by Pradeep Mohandas
Spill the tea, spoil the milk

They built a network,\r\nTo share what you're upto,\r\nAt first it was a fun place to be,\r\nYou met other people too.\r\n\r\nSoon the network was used,\r\nTo spill the tea,\r\nAnd other things too.\r\nMore abused than used.\r\n\r\nIt spoilt the milk for one and all,\r\nPeople left it despite FOMO,\r\nBut soon people learnt,\r\nThere was only joy, the JOMO.

2 months ago


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