Master! Master!
I love Metallica. It’s the only thing on this beautiful planet that will equal my mom’s tomato sabji or the sound of my niece giggling.
Master of puppets may well be the modern-day Beethoven's Fifth or Raag Malhaar.
I love that (popular redheaded stepchild) album called St Anger.
And in one of those efficiently vacant moments, I tried to pretend to understand music and determine which to me was the greatest Metallica song ever.
And after some ungentle dry exfoliation, it’s down to One.
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How are you? I am fine, thank you.
There is no aspect of music that i claim mastery over. Not even close.
Why metal?
Apologies to William Wordsworth for butchering one of his most loved verses.
Burn the Priest
Five seconds.That is all Napalm Death needed.
Music folder
I love good music. Generally and specifically.
Once you were sentient beings
Arrow of Time
This stonking beauty of an album is 24 years old.
Take it easy
Not the Eagles. Screw them.
Songs for our times
Time is better than money. Spend it on some good music. Toodaloo.