manan dedhia

3 months ago

Mr Downtown

Glass sculpture at the Corning Glass Museum.


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manan dedhia

Art is everywhere

Prologue: Conversations about museums tend to go in a few deterministic directions, but the most prominent one is“…but i don’t understand Art or know anything about Art. Museums are so boring.“

Art is everywhere
Pradeep Mohandas


He was sitting in front of a 3D printing machine that was reading a design and transforming it from bits to atoms. He suddenly got thoughtful.

manan dedhia

Destroyer of Worlds

If there is one place, that always makes me pause and introspect, gauge the profundity of the soil and the moment, then it would be the Trinity site. 16 July 1945. White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The Gadget.

Destroyer of Worlds