manan dedhia

5 months ago

Art is everywhere 

Prologue: Conversations about museums tend to go in a few deterministic directions, but the most prominent one is “…but i don’t understand Art or know anything about Art. Museums are so boring. “

“Art” - is the elephant in the room. “art”, just is. 

You don’t have to go to a museum to appreciate good art. It literally is all around us. 

Here is an activity - next time you turn your gaze and spot a logo - any logo - note the color, size, shape and placement of it (on the object). 

Be it the logo on your shoes, fridge, extension board. Anything at all. 

Here is art - hiding in plain sight. 

Some person or team worked on that logo until their eyesight wasn’t normal anymore. They pitched ideas and received feedback until their brains melted and dripped out their ears. 

But when we see it - that’s Nike or Godrej or NASA or Bose. 

Art is everywhere. All shapes and forms have to be designed, colors thought of, contexts defined. Badly or goodly. But it starts out with an idea and the artist. Always. 

Something we can learn from children - observe and ask questions. Best return on investment there is. 


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