Ajay Perke

30 / hands-on / fickle

June '24

Yet again.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been telling myself that my spoken words do the job. But, the written word is what gets me to the stage of offering the spoken. It feels like I’m sieving through an ocean of thoughts to get one of them out here. Information fatigue is real. Sometimes, I ask myself, why do I keep doing this to myself. The hunger for more information has become so compulsive for me. I just ...

21 days ago


Here we go, I’ve contemplated this enough. For almost a decade, I’ve admired the quality of people to articulate their thoughts. Thoughts so precise, that they could say what I wanted! Writer! Poets! I can’t believe how these people even think of things. I’ve read somewhere, our prefrontal cortex is not good at articulating emotions hence we have an hard time explaining feelings. And I find it so ...

24 days ago

Your writing hub.