Here we go, I’ve contemplated this enough. For almost a decade, I’ve admired the quality of people to articulate their thoughts. Thoughts so precise, that they could say what I wanted!
Writer! Poets! I can’t believe how these people even think of things.
I’ve read somewhere, our prefrontal cortex is not good at articulating emotions hence we have an hard time explaining feelings.
And I find it so fascinating, how these people will just say in a few words which would take me hour long conversations.
I’m thankful and inspired by people who write. Coz, contrary to our belief’s; words do have power.
I want to express like that too!
Can I copy their words? Yes.
Can I copy their style? Yes.
Can I express like them? NO fucking way! But, we’ll learn to express better as a tribute to the ones who lit that fire in us.
I’m not sure if like the sound of what I wrote. But, to hell with it!
I’d have gone crazy if writer / poets wouldn’t have said / wrote the things they said / wrote.
Thank you, I’m not ending but actually starting off;
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Thoughts on writing
Writing forces reflection. That is what makes it difficult. The monkey brain is happy jumping from one thought to another. Writing forces the brain to focus. It does so more than any other form of creation.
Thankyou “thinkdeli”
I will always be grateful to “thinkdeli”, for such an amazing platform, where:
Writing - Motivation and Habit
Over the past year, while building thinkdeli, I have been surprised to learn this one thing about writing. Writing doesn’t happen. You have to make it happen.

Remember the last time you nailed a post and felt happy? Remember reading the poignant story that moved you to tears?Good writing is powerful. It enriches — the reader and the writer.

Yet again.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been telling myself that my spoken words do the job. But, the written word is what gets me to the stage of offering the spoken.
How I work on any problem statement
Be it writing articles, playbooks, or a strategic plan, it all starts with writing.
Just a thought
I wish I had the power to say something and then take it back. No, I don’t regret hurting someone with my words. Rather, I want to live that conversation and see how it goes, move onto the next without having the baggage of the first.