Arrow of Time
This stonking beauty of an album is 24 years old.
No, I don't feel old. My ego is too large to admit hubris.
But on the flip side, this is the album that got me into metal. The soundtrack to my growth spurt.
Raise a glass and be headbanging, young buck.
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How are you? I am fine, thank you.
There is no aspect of music that i claim mastery over. Not even close.
Master! Master!
I love Metallica. It’s the only thing on this beautiful planet that will equal my mom’s tomato sabji or the sound of my niece giggling.
Songs for our times
Time is better than money. Spend it on some good music. Toodaloo.
Why metal?
Apologies to William Wordsworth for butchering one of his most loved verses.
Take it easy
Not the Eagles. Screw them.
Keep Pushing On
Cannot believe how quickly life changes colours. The last time I wrote, I wrote about the“Painting of Life” (In 2013 I think). The last 2 lines of that Poem were -
Most days I can relate to some songs on this album.
Music folder
I love good music. Generally and specifically.
Never go full glam.
If you are younger or more musically discriminating or just uninterested in anything 80’s, you wouldn’t have heard of this term called glam metal.