sanika joshi

3 months ago

Books of 2024 - Book 8

Women Who Ruled India

After I started my new job and with moving, it took a while to get back to reading. After a month have resumed reading regularly. Saw this in our bookshelf that Satya had newly organized. The book is little different than the genres I usually read and enjoy. But liked reading this anyway. Book as the name suggest is about women rulers from Indian history. Couple of things that struck me, how turbulent Indian history is, women can also be cruel, some of the famous women emperors that we might have heard about ruled for a very short while. I specially enjoyed the chapters about Queens of Attingal, Ahilya Bai Holkar and Nur Jahan. Overall it was nice to read about Indian history through the tales of women rulers. 


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Comments ( 3 )

manan dedhia

3 months ago

Good recommendation - thank you Sanika.

sanika joshi

3 months ago

Thanks :)

Satyajeet Jadhav

2 months ago

Good recommendation!

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