Satyajeet Jadhav

5 months ago

Difficult jobs

His days had started feeling longer. He felt this when he realized that he had to wait for his day to get over. He didn’t have much to look forward to after his work was done. He didn’t have much to look forward to at work either.

This was a particularly difficult job. He had to appear alert at all times. No real mental or physical activity meant this was somewhat difficult to achieve. His supervisor would make random checks during the day. He didn’t want to appear to be slacking.

Sitting on a chair all day had given his back a weird shape. His shoulders were hunched, and his back appeared crooked. Long work hours and commute meant his muscles were wasting. He had a pleasant face though. He appeared presentable at all times. It was one of the reasons he got the job.

The one thing he liked about this job was that he got to see a lot of new faces everyday. He loved to observe people. He could read them. He could tell when someone was angry, upset, sad, or happy. It was his superpower. Based on his reading, he calibrated his greeting to his regular faces. His empathy shone through during these brief interactions.

Before moving to Bangalore, he used to live in a small town. A classmate had moved to Bangalore before him. He convinced him of the opportunities in the big city. It didn’t take much convincing to be honest. He wanted a better life for himself and his family. So he decided to take a chance and move.

This was his first job in the big city. He was a security guard in a posh gated community.


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