Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Vihaan had to go for Mansha to come

As I sit here watching my daughter Blow Bubbles with so much Joy and Utter Bliss, her right leg injured from a fall in the bathroom as she Seized, and yet she singing and Blowing Delightful bubbles in the air…She doesn't know what a seizure is and how and what happens to her while she has one.. It's what I go through as the parent watching her have one.. And having to figure my coping ways over the years to be ok with it..

She gives so much Joy with her Blowing those bubbles to every passer-by-adult in my mother's building, sitting in her first floor balcony.The morning hours where everyone is busy in their lives, going to work, helter-skelter, and here is Mansha Blowing Bubbles of Joy.. Reminding us to Pause, See, Smile and Enjoy popping that one Bubble. It takes just a moment to get so much from a moment. So much Ease, So much Joy,and most importantly a SMILE on our faces in our “Hurried” “Busy” lives..

This Best,Bester and Bested Human being had come into my life 13 years and 9 months ago.. And My World has been Spinning ever since.. What an indescribable journey it's been.. And yet the most real and most vulnerable journey of our lives.. She's shown me from day one that the only purpose of this lifetime is to “Let it Go” and “the Other way” She says the most profound things in the simplest of ways. She sees Beauty and Wonder in the Mundane Things. She Smiles and you can Dive into the depths of that pure, heart- melting Smile and forget that anything else exists besides her and her Smile..

I cry so many tears of Joy and Deepest Gratitude as I write this..my heart is over full with So much love which only a parent can feel, but now more so, being a single parent and our journey ever since that day, around 6 years ago of becoming one..

She is Neurodivergent and on the Lovely Spectrum and that makes me realise, aren't we all..? Yes we are,and we never got to show off  or even realise or acknowledge our Gifts to the world..

It's been amazing to see her gifts and celebrate those and share those with everyone.. Just like her We need more kinder, more compassionate, more caring, more grateful people on this planet and she's all of them in one, everyday teaching me more and more, everyday loving everyone and everything around endlessly without boundaries, everyday showering us with endless Love and compassion..

How she loves and how she connects, what amazing Puzzles and Mazes-the ways that she brings them together into life…In every little detail she sees, every bite of food that she blesses and that she's constantly grateful for, the number of times she thanks people for everything they bring and are, and the kindest,purest and most loveingest Soul that she is..

How blessed am i for this? Don't have enough words or the right words to describe this feeling.. 

and the one reality that I'm coming to terms with finally is this- 

Vihaan had to leave for Mansha to come..

Vihaan is my first born on 24th Dec 2008, in Delhi.. And he was Divine…He left us in his sleep on 31st Dec 2008.. He is now a fluttering Butterfly of almost 16 years..if he didn't leave, Mansha would not be here.. So,my deepest Gratitude to this Soul who chose to come into our lives for 9 months and 7 days and took his journey to be with ours and then depart so that his sister could arrive for his mother's Total and Complete Transformation..

Vihaan thank you for visiting us in the form of Butterflies, and reminding me to be Grateful for Mansha and Grateful to you for leaving ..

So she could ARRIVE and For me to REALISE

Butterflies and Rainbows your way..

Poorva , For Mansha and always Vihaan’s mother! 

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Satyajeet Jadhav
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2 months ago

Comments ( 20 )

jaee jadhav

2 months ago

Another heartfelt,emotive piece Poorva!!

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Thank you for telling me about think deli and pushing me the right way into writing..I owe my first blog to you .

Zanuh J

2 months ago

What a beautiful post Poorva, really raw and heart touching. Thank you for this and all the very best to your future blogs and art sessions.

Elizabeth Selhore

2 months ago

Very beautiful sharing, was deeply touched . Much strength and continued Divine Love & Grace be with you 🙏❣️

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Zanuh and Elizabeth your wishes, love and support means so so much . Gratitude.. Forever

Swati Rawat

2 months ago

Very beautiful and heart touching post Poorva .. lots of love and best wishes to Mansha and u ❤️❤️

Satyajeet Jadhav

2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this beautiful post! More power to you and Mansha.

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Thank you for creating Thinkdeli.. Loving it and it's features.. Than you for giving us writers Wings. Gratitude for your hard work

Satyajeet Jadhav

2 months ago

Thank you! You are too kind!

manan dedhia

2 months ago

beautifully written and searingly heartfelt. Be well.

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Dhanyawad dear Manan . Would love to connect personally..I felt this called to me to be my guest blog...

Anju Kagal

2 months ago

Poorva you are an inspiration my dear...I have seen you work so hard with Mansha the sweetest lil girl I have met

pranethri reddy

2 months ago

Power to you Poorva.. very well written and heart touching post. Very Inspiring. Thanku for sharing this.

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Sending you so much love and strength back.. You are an sending mother and human being, and we need to acknowledge that for ourselves.. I'm blessed to know you.. Thank you my dear Pranethri

devanjalee sarkar

2 months ago

Dear Poorva you forever shine through the darkest of clouds like a full moon full power phenomena :) So very raw and moving this writing . Feels this like morning pages . Yes rainbow and butterflies forever ❤️

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Im blessed you are in my life to add to everything..I love you my dearest Sakhi..

Chaitanya Govande

2 months ago

Very moving, Poorva...keep writing!

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Chaitanya.. Thank you for the love and support


2 months ago

This So Beautiful. I'm sure everything that has happened has made you the wonderful person you are. Vihaan and Mansha both had to come, for Poorva to be Poorva❤️

Poorva khandelwal

2 months ago

Love you back.. Happy that we are connected dearest Askar..

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