manan dedhia

3 months ago

Evolution of an immigrant

Stage 1 : Realization of native shell

New sights, sounds, rituals and actions. Muscles that are unaccustomed to the newness feel raw. You struggle to adapt, at the same time, the energy from the adventure is fueling you. You want more. More. 

Stage 2 : Erosion of native shell

Adopting some new practices and slang. An unseen ice pick goes to work on the shell that has formed over years and decades. Some past absurdities might lie exposed. A lot of questions. Some fundamental ones. 

Stage 3 : New shell growth

The ice picks work continues unabated - usually regardless of whether willing or not. Its not a single decision point, but a continued process. Whether the new shell that is emerging should be adopted or not. 

Stage 4 : Replacement of shell

If all is deemed favorable (an open mind, logic and rationality, a scientific temperament), the old shell gives way to the new one. The new one isn’t necessarily a validation of the new place and its machinations. Mostly a hybrid, a chimera. Old and new can be barely told apart. 

Stage 5 : Ability to generate a shell

Losing a shell is a painful process. The body remembers - why. More importantly, it remembers the how. And therein lies the real knowledge. If there is willingness, a new ability is learnt. How to control change and use it to your advantage. A new muscle is gained. One that will be very important in the long run. 

Stage 6 : Shed the shell

The mental turmoil never goes away completely. But the ability to control it has been learned. And now comes the point of inserting your own will - a new branch to the map that has been drawn up for you. What am I? What do I make of myself? The time is now ripe for new answers to old questions. 

P.S.: This narrative has been gleaned from my experiences. These stages are neither completely chronological nor serial. The parallel nature of interactions and thoughts makes this as complex it is. If there is a TL;DR in any of this, it is that old adage. Courtesy is given and offense is taken. Respect is earned. Question everything you hold dear. Mercilessly. Burn down your gods, for they tend to become masters of a slave. 

And oh yes, listen to music. 


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