I thought I needed hands to catch me,
That support was a given, a natural thing.
I assumed. I was wrong.
The “support“ - They wouldn’t. They couldn’t. Preoccupied lot, lost in their own worlds.
I asked, vented,explained, texted, called. I waited—Only to find silence.
That day, like many, you said you would stand in, just three hours—
Three hours to claim myself back.
But when the moment came,
You weren't there.
I cried, I broke, I cursed the walls.
I pitied the fool in me.
The words—sharp, cutting, final.
"Oh, you and the problem you have given birth to. Makes us leave our life and rush to you—what a waste.”

So much left then on hold,
Paused for a tomorrow hoping they would step up.
But nobody moved. Nobody planned. Everybody assumed.
Too late now.
For good maybe. I have my peace, I have my strength.
Not in their presence, but in their absence.
Expectations, once sharp, now dull,
Turned to dust.
I don’t cry. I don’t ask. I don’t need. I see.
What a freedom, this clarity.
No weight of hopes, no burdens to carry. All dependencies removed by me, for me.
I speak when I choose. Not because I must. Well, they....
they never understand anyway.
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Comments ( 1 )
arjun kumar
14 days ago
Really good! Expectations once sharp, now dull..
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