Archana K B

2 months ago

Dec 9 - Monday blues! 

Just another Monday in December. But on some mornings I get into blues, need not be a Monday though, and I start rambling. Twitter gets the brunt of it most, but since it’s already in deep s.h.i.t nowadays, I presume it’s won’t mind to carry some more. For me. I haven’t taken premium yet it gives me the platform to rant. I should be grateful since it’s a good way to relieve the negativity I have in me right now. 

I have heard from the therapist that anxiety can make you speak fast, but what is it that making me talk non stop on some days? The urge to speak my mind, sometimes as tweets, and sometimes as messages in WhatsApp groups! I attribute that to my “need” for connection (see how I am using big words like need and connection?; after effects of overthinking and wasting money on therapists can do this). But I just posted last Friday how I don’t want to rely on friendships anymore because the expectations that come out of it are the root cause of disappointments. Mind proposes but body disposes! Ha another quote I am on a roll! 

Rolling onto this week like this! How’s your Monday morning!?



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