Pradeep Mohandas

3 months ago

Depression meals

Depression meals,
Stops you from moving.
Because movement,
Makes you feel less heavy.

Instant noodles,
May feed romantic notions.
But doesn't,
Nourish your soul as needed.

Unhealthy meals,
That people resort to.
To get,
Out that gunk that sticks.

Difficult choices,
An easy fix for that,
Is to,

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Satyajeet Jadhav


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Skepticism on a not so holy holiday

People go away from their homes,\r\nBecause they can't manage to stay,\r\nAt home on those holy holidays,\r\nBecause of the noise.\r\n\r\nTimes for contemplation and learning,\r\nIs broken by the loud song singing, And competitions which seek whose,\r\nMusic system can play louder.\r\n\r\nTimes for meeting friends and relatives,\r\nIs broken by the messages and forwards,\r\nSent on WhatsApp and Te...

Self-portrait of David Wojnarowicz

History keeps me awake at night,\r\nWas a commemorative they did,\r\nOf David,\r\nWho I had not heard of before tonight.\r\n\r\nHis self-portraits spoke of time,\r\nThat the world dealt with AIDS,\r\nHe dealt it in his own sweet way,\r\nAnd by it in the end he passed away.\r\n\r\nProtest is a form,\r\nThat is not easy to adopt.\r\nBut, in such times,\r\nIt is what makes us stand and stare.

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