Srijan Shukla

7 days ago

run of the mill procrastination problems

this is my standard word salad

here’s the thing

most things you put off

who is gonna do it?

you, no one else

who did create that pile of dirt

and who cleaned that pile of dirt?


you did

you had to

there is no choice doing vs not

there is only one choice

do it badly vs not

do it later vs now

do it hard vs easy

unbelievable you consistently choose hard over easy

pick actual hard things to do

actual out in the real world problems

problems worth solving

problems that when solved brings value

doing it in a shitty way is not the hard we want

I wish this on no one

why must you procrastinate your dreams?

you want, the things you want, later?

you want it ‘later’ huh?

it would be so bad no if you can get to them sooner?

putting off stuff you don’t like to do, results in ALSO procrastinating your dreams

you gotta go go through the bad stuff to get to the good stuff, most of the time

time is linear, and the blast radius on this 2d line is one way

bombing the future literally

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Satyajeet Jadhav
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