Archana K B

8 months ago

First Post

Stumbled upon this writing tool from Twitter. It has ever been my weakness to try out new writing apps. If it was collecting yearly diary gifted from my father’s bank in my childhood, I progressed digitally in my teenage years. Do you remember “jots” on linux? Or was it called journal? My favourite font thst time was comic sans. Or the cursive handwriting.

Chucked out the diaries once I realised they can be found by parents or roommates. Blog became my safe heaven. An online identity. But very few writing became published ones because who wants to reveal them all. Internet in cafe and office was not reliable so searched for mobile apps. Onenote was cool. Until I realised microsoft provided only 5GB including mails and photos and notes. So shifted to Evernote. Standalone app. Can sync automatically if connected. Google notebook was there too. But it seemed more like microsoft word than an app or notebook. 

I liked evernote even if I was using the free version. I could organise notebooks, stacks, tags etc. What I missed was the daily streak and word counter. So search continued.

The concept of morning pages led me to Beautiful website with all analytics and all but it was on browser and not mobile app. Found an alternative on Apple Store called Morning Pages but it was not free. Then Bear, Notion…

Nothing satisfied me. When Evernote limited its free version I shifted to Zoho. But the dream of forming a daily habit with morning pages remained elusive. My writing went dormant on blog as dark clouds 🌧️ loomed over again and again. The solution was always there in form of writing catharsis but like any other rebel I ignored it. Instead I kept on scrolling social media to distract my mind.

And that’s how I found thinkdeli. 


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Satyajeet Jadhavjaee jadhav

Comments ( 2 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

8 months ago

Hi Archana, I am the creator of thinkdeli. Thanks for using thinkdeli! I too have had a similar journey with all the writing apps. I hope you find thinkdeli useful and that it helps bring sunshine :). Here's to writing more and writing consistently!

Archana K B

8 months ago

Thank you 🙏🏼

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