Satyajeet Jadhav

14 days ago


Remember the last time you nailed a post and felt happy? Remember reading the poignant story that moved you to tears? Good writing is powerful. It enriches — the reader and the writer.

With technology, we were supposed to write more. We were supposed to write better. But something changed. 

Writing feels like a chore. It has been reduced to ‘content’. Something you do for SEO. You write. No one reads it. You write less. You publish less. 

The tools that were supposed to help us, got in the way. We have slow and bloated writing apps. They have more features than anyone can count. They maximize made-up business metrics. The cognitive overload is staggering. They suck the joy out of writing. 

I want to change this.

A good writing app is like a good tool. It disappears as you make progress. It lets you focus on your craft. It enables your best work. It is delightful and useful. It doesn’t demand. It gives. thinkdeli aspires to be that writing app.

thinkdeli prioritizes your writing. There are no fake metrics. No unnecessary features. No gimmicks. The aim is to help you write more. Because when you write, you think, express, and understand better.

Here’s to writing more and writing better!

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manan dedhiajaee jadhav
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