Mangesh Nanoti

17 days ago

Pre - Technical report 18-06-2024

Today might just be the day my luck runs out. Although not explicitly requested from me, I committed to deliverables that I am in no position to deliver upon, principally because there’s a lack of clarity.

Let’s see what tonight brings.

Read more by Mangesh Nanoti
About Workouts

Perhaps best if posting the daily details of one’s workout be given a rest. Had a great workout today the last time, and the sight of people posting their workouts live on instagram persists in my mind. Don’t want the vacuousness that permeates Instagram creep into my posts here. Here you gotta write. And it’s pretty difficult to conceal the level of one’s general stupidity (or general level of in...

18 days ago

NBA Live 2005

“You gotta get the crowd go wildcrush the competition Let the best man win cuz if it’s me against youtoe-to-toe blow-for blowI guarantee you gonna losemake the crowd go wild Put on your A-game crush the competitionLet the best man win cuz if it’s me against youtoe-to-toe blow-for blowI guarantee you gonna lose”“Watch out I got my <unclear> tideI’m wicked insideYou should see me when I’m flyinFrom ...

14 days ago


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