Today I am angry. Today I am hopeful.
Today I am angry.
I don't know anything,
But of the little that I know,
I don't know nothing.
Today I am hopeful,
I know what I don't know,
That's the first step of learning.
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Pradeep Mohandas
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A hard day
Don’t let the title worry you too much. Now as I think about it, it wasn’t that hard a day. It felt hard, though, while I was living it.
Being Grateful
Expressing Gratitude
When it comes to you it seethes right inside, deep, penetrating and constant..
Reading Habit
My monkey brain is in overdrive when I am alone. I can’t read. I can’t write. I can’t watch an entire movie. I can’t code. Well this is all I can do when I can. There is not much else to me.
Yet again.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been telling myself that my spoken words do the job. But, the written word is what gets me to the stage of offering the spoken.
I am here. I am sorry, I am not here for you. I am here for myself. I made a promise. I want to keep it. I am setting expectations - again more mine than yours. It takes away the performance pressure. It’s ok if you don’t read further. I am writing this more for me than for you...
The moon shines high,