jaee jadhav

2 months ago

The Emerald

These past events mean a lot to me - they are all about trusting one's instincts & restarting again and again and again. And when I forget to do so, I read these stories! Helps.   

Alright, let me again take you back a few years. Today’s story has no takeaway etc, just an event I want to share with you. But before we get into today's tale, kindly check this out first https://jaeejadhav.com/2024/03/21/polka-dots/.This will provide the necessary context and continuity. 

Hold the vision, trust the process! https://jaeejadhav.com/2024/07/18/the-emerald/

Best Regards, Jaee!

  • Blog post crafted on thinkdeli.com

  • Written by Jaee Jadhav Garad

  • July 2024

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