Mangesh Nanoti

3 months ago

1 Parikshit

Legends persist to this day about Parikshit and the beatings that he received from his teachers.

One day, Parikshit received such a brutal beating from his teacher, that all the girls in the vicinity started crying. 

But not Parikshit. He proudly had a grin on his face indicating his readiness - nay eagerness to receive more beating.

But since then, he became a “measure“ of quantifying beatings. The amount of beating required to make one’s neighbours start crying is defined as 1 Parikshit.

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Satyajeet Jadhav

Comments ( 3 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

3 months ago

Is this the Parikshit we know? Something deep and profound here.

Mangesh Nanoti

3 months ago

No i don't think so, this Parikshit is from NEERI Paranjpe. In any case, I don't remember there being any Parikshit either in section A or B; correct me if I'm wrong.

Mangesh Nanoti

3 months ago

No i don't think so, this Parikshit is from NEERI Paranjpe. In any case, I don't remember there being any Parikshit either in section A or B; correct me if I'm wrong.

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