manan dedhia

4 months ago


I was asked the below question in a survey run by the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, to which I make at least 1 visit a year. 

It took me a long time to come up with an answer and another tunnel down the memories. 

I have a fuckin brick thick binder of experiences that drove me away from learning - but it’s maybe more telling that I have chosen to keep the negative experiences logged and pushed the good ones to the back. 

Think back to one or two learning experiences you have had that have stuck with you. Where the information shared was meaningful to you, or the learning experience was extremely effective.

We'd like to know more about one of those experiences, such as:

Where did the experience take place? Was it in school, on your own, in a museum, or some other place?

What happened during the experience? That is, was it primarily the imparting of facts/knowledge, did it tell a story, did you do something, or was it something else?

What made the experience so effective or meaningful for you?

And given your answer, what would you like museums to do better to create more of these experiences for you?

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