Mangesh Nanoti

22 days ago

Attacks on Pilgrims

Attacks on Indian cities of Reasi, Kathua, Doda at this point of time, I think, must be meant as clear provocation. They are goading us into hitting back, which in order to save our own image, I guess we will have to do. Not to be jingoistic, but we can’t allow the wholesale murders of our army personnel and devotees within our own sovereign territory to go unpunished. 

This is on the behest of China as well. Mark my words. Sooner, rather than later, we’ll have to break the teeth of the PLA. Thieves, perverts and international frauds of Chaucerian proportions, they have propped their legitimacy on top of their ill-gotten gains. The only qualitative gains they have truly made are in their plagiarizing skills.  

The aforementioned wimps of McKinsey were of the opinion that Pakistan should be left to its own devices to prosper, with us taking our own route (and hoping for the best). The betrayals and transgressions from Pakistan have become as banal as their well-wishers/benefactors’ mealy-mouthed calls for leniency, many of them Indian. Despite them having NO respect for our armed forces, often foisting upon them Pakistan’s narratives of human rights abuses in Kashmir, they are quick to point out that it’s not up to us civilians to cheer for war as it’s not US who are going to do the fighting. They turn pretty sneering and cynical as well, mind you, whenever the earnest topic of protection of India and her armed forces comes up. 

“Make love not war“ - OK idiot, but should I make love to the person who’s storming in with a kalashnikov in their hand? Ripping through our cities? Imagine 26/11. Perhaps we should have sent our best “lovers“ there instead of the National Security Guard (NSG)? 

It’s true that I do not begrudge an average Pakistani. However, all the individuals from your own society to whom you refer euphemistically to as “The Establishment“ simply have to go now. Ironically, the reason why you call them “The Establishment“ is because you are petrified they will do to you what they have been doing to us. And the Irony turns into tragedy where you find out that the secret police (ISI) (“The Establishment“) and their excesses are still rampant on you and you have been subjected to a campaign as terrorizing, intellectually stultifying and ultimately futile as us Indians have been. 

I am ready for war. Forget about conscription (which I personally am cool with. Hell, I welcome the opportunity), all the sacrifices that are to be made in pursuit of ridding ourselves of this menace of Terrorism once and for all. Yes, War is hell. I know. But it is hell for individuals like you and me. And individuals like you and I hold no significance when it comes to vanguarding India and vouchsafing her existence as the world’s oldest advanced civilization. Billions will come and go, but this country must prevail (at their cost if need be). If war it is, war it is. 

Playing right into the enemy’s hands, in other words, responding to their provocation is needed sometimes. Sometimes, you’ve got to take the bait and shake and pull into water the man holding the line. And then burn him down. 

Whatever that needs to be done to punish this heinous crime needs to be done by our armed forces. Let the clouds of war gather. Let the drums beat. We got this.

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There are quite a few articles online comparing both the organizations/platforms distributing these Scrum Master, Product Owner certifications. 9 out of 10 times these articles have been written by interested parties who have a dog in this fight as to which type of certification gets more preference/prestige. Full disclosure, I have a PSPO - 1 certification from my experience, obtaini...

23 days ago

Had a great workout today

20 mins - Ellipticals15 mins - Treadmill15 minutes - Cycling10 minutes - StairmasterPost cardio, did some resistance training as well - 3 sets - Weighted Crunches3 sets - PlanksOn my way back home, was completely drenched. This is how it should be.

22 days ago


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