Yogesh Pali

4 days ago

Human Psychology in Marketing

These principles highlight the importance of understanding human psychology in marketing, leveraging scarcity, social proof, and the need for consistency to influence behavior effectively.

  1. Scarcity and Urgency: People tend to value things more when they are scarce or when there is a fear of losing them. Examples include limited-time offers or colleges with limited seats. The perceived quality of something often increases with its limited availability.

  2. Psychological Reactance: When people feel their freedom is being restricted, they may react negatively. Therefore, it's important not to appear too eager or desperate, as this can activate a resistance mode in others.

  3. Give and Take Rule: Offering gifts or praise can be effective, but it's important not to overdo it, as people may feel uncomfortable or take you for granted.

  4. Consistency: People have a strong desire to remain consistent with their past commitments and self-image. This consistency influences their decisions and behaviors.

  5. Social Proof: People look for social proof to guide their actions. Providing evidence that others are engaging in a behavior can be persuasive.

  6. Challenges: Everyone loves challenges, and framing tasks or goals as challenges can be motivating.

  7. Self-Image: The need to remain consistent with one's self-image is a powerful driver of behavior. How people see themselves can determine their success and failures.

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Satyajeet Jadhav
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Easy is not Lazy

\Easy is not Lazy\ provide a framework for achieving tasks efficiently without equating ease with laziness. Here are the key points:Ask How to Do It Easier: Always seek ways to simplify tasks.Define What Done Looks Like: Clearly outline the end goal.Create a 'Done for the Day' List: Set daily achievable goals.Keep a Steady Pace Toward Results: Maintain consistent progress.Do Not Overextend: Avoid ...

4 days ago


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