Apurva Khode

9 months ago

Our 1st father's day together 

Just because I am too tiny to talk doesn't mean I can't write you a letter either. I have a lady here whom I am gonna call Aai, who understands all my emotions, hunger, pain, and joys. If she can understand my hunger, my pain, and everything which no one can, then definitely she can understand my feelings for you, dad. So I am letting her write my feelings here on the very special occasion of our 1st Father's Day together💖.

I just want to thank you, Baba, for being the best dad in the world. I know I trouble both you and Aai a lot. But then I will be troubling you a lot more when I grow older, so might as well get some practice. I will become very big very, very soon so we can spend all day and all night and all day playing. I think we will be very good friends. In fact, I know we will be the BESTEST BEST friends🤗.

I would like to express my gratitude to you for all the things you are already doing and will always do in the future for me and for Aai as well.

You fed me when Aai could not in the hospital, and you changed my diaper every time it was needed. You were awake all the time to keep an eye on me. You spent hours helping me fall asleep. And there are a lot of things you did and are doing which really amaze me. Among all those amazing things which I love the most is night massage🥰. I can see no difference between you and Aai; you both are equal comfort zones for me.

You were there with Aai whenever she needed, and you take care of her like a mother, I would say, because I was watching you, Baba, and I was feeling all the care and love since I was in her womb. Aai does the same for me. I think she learnt this from you🤔.

Since everyone is saying I look exactly like you as Aai did ctr C of you and ctr V me 😛 I wish I would be the exact same version of you in so many ways where you help and mentor people selflessly, love me and Aai unconditionally, respect all my grandparents for who they are and many more things.

I chose you guys, and I would make that choice a million times over.

Happy Father's Day, Baba!

You are my world. I love you 💖

Here are some memories of us…

The very first feed of mine 😊

One from our cuddles 😘

Look how fast I am growing 😊


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Deepika Raisanika joshiSatyajeet JadhavKetan GhatodeSatyajeet Jadhav

Comments ( 4 )

sanika joshi

9 months ago

What a beautiful post! Happy 1st Father’s Day to Ketan. 😊

Apurva Khode

9 months ago

Thank you Sanika 😊

Satyajeet Jadhav

9 months ago

Lovely! It makes me so happy to hear these good things about Ketan ❤️. I am happy to hear he is trying to be an equal parent. I am not surprised. Thanks for sharing in such a beautiful way Apurva!

Apurva Khode

9 months ago

Special Thanks to you Satyajeet for making such a simple but powerful platform to express the thoughts. I might not think of writing this if Thinkdeli wouldn't be there and ofcourse, it was inspired by " The immigrants" and "Real mother"😊

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