Nilshree Yelulkar

8 days ago

Who has it all?

"I feel so proud to have received this award. I would not say I did not expect it, because I worked very hard for it. I want to thank my team for keeping up with my demands to work at odd hours to meet the deadlines and targets. Thanks to the organizers for recognizing our efforts and giving us this honor. Thank you, everyone, means a lot!", Abhay ended his speech and walked down the stage with a shiny golden trophy. He parked himself next to Kavita, his wife, who was cheering for him from the audience. He handed over the trophy to her as he had to catch up with delegates from the industry. Kavita kept looking at the trophy in admiration and smiled. The joy and glow on her face felt like she only won that "Entrepreneur of the Year" trophy.

After the event, they returned home. Kavita walked up to their "Wall of Fame" where all of Abhay's achievements were adorned. Kavita added the newest trophy to the shelf and walked towards her room to change and freshen up. Abhay was caught up in a video conference with the team sharing the award news to pump them up to work better. He wrapped up the call and entered the room. Abhay found Kavita standing at the window staring out of the glass in her peach-colored satin nighty. He noticed her lost in thought and decided to ask her the reason after he got rid of the black suit.

"Aren't you tired? What are you staring at?", Abhay asked Kavita as he wiped his face with a napkin.

"Yes. I am tired, very tired", she responded and paused.

"Then? Let's sleep now. It's almost midnight", Abhay announced as he yawned and stretched his arms.

"I am tired. Tired of being second fiddle, the third wheel. I am as qualified as you are, my numbers in MBA were better than yours...."

"Oh! Not now Kavita, please. Don't spoil my mood yaar", Abhay interrupts her.

"See this is what my value is now, only for once I gave in my responsibility for Karthik and could not find my place again in the company. What happened in those 2.5 years? I was capable of doing my role. Why didn't you let me join? When did we go this far? Today, you did not even share the joy of your achievements with me. We hardly talk to each other. Do you remember when was the last time you spoke a full sentence, lovingly, instead of your regular monosyllabic responses or commands? I got my menopause last year, I went through a whole turmoil and you kept signing deals. There was a time when I had it all, a successful career, a loving family, a bunch of friends to catch up with, a confident persona, and a fit body. But, back then, I never gave up on my relationships or family. I stopped to exist for you after 2002. And it hurt me, Abhay, I felt lonely. I had suicidal thoughts. But looking at Karthik, I could not gather the courage to harm myself. You became too busy in making a life that you forgot to live. I think now is the time, you should fix your schedule and have a dedicated time for family, for me", Kavita broke into tears after she uttered this statement. Her helplessness made Abhay think of all the years that passed.

After two months:

Abhay now spends his evenings with Kavita. They go for a walk together. They joined a group of same-aged people to have a new set of friends as all these years they could not keep in touch with their old friends. Also meeting them daily would not have been possible.

On weekends they usually watch plays or go on movie or coffee dates. On some days, he even helps Kavita in the kitchen so that they get more time together.

Seeking more human connections in the second innings of life is normal. If you see an elderly around seeking human connection or struggling with technology, be kind to them, help them.

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