Thinkdeli Writing Fest - Oct 24

Entries for the "Thinkdeli Writing Fest - Oct 24" writing contest on thinkdeli.

Sabyasachi Sahu

The Dad Routine

During my childhood, routine was not something that you defined or you had control over. It was something that you would follow as the whole household followed what my father defined, discipline due his service with the Indian Air Force. You are supposed to get up at 6, get ready, go to school, come back study, play, then watch Disney hour and then pretend to study. Have dinner and lights out at 1...

Sukanya Patil

Rewinding my life.

As I look back, most important years of my life has been past. 2024 is ending soon and 10 years has been lived like a sailor sailing by the wind. 10 years is not a short period and yet I see the list of my unfulfilled wish can go on to make a mountain. From having a tattoo to starting a small business, from embroidering a saree to having art-work corner of my own, none have been achieved yet. But ...

Rewinding my life.
ashwin doke

Embracing the Mundane: A Journey Through My Routine Day

I hesitated to write this blog and participate in the October writing contest. My excuse was simple: my daily life seemed too mundane and boring. What was the point of sharing it? However, after observing my routine for a couple of weeks, I realized that my perception of monotony was self-imposed. Our self-talk significantly influences our outlook on life. While I had read about the importance of ...

Embracing the Mundane: A Journey Through My Routine Day
Satyajeet Jadhav

The Break

“Can you take a break for a couple of days?”. This innocuous question caused me to break down. Looking back it was a break through. I was stuck in a job doing what I didn’t like. Progressing in my career meant getting to do more of this stuff that I didn’t like. I felt trapped. I was running on fumes. Now I was out of fuel. The next day, I quit. I didn’t know then but this was the start of a new j...

Sayali Kasar


11 years ago, I recall my first day at Novartis' head office in Worli. It was my first experience in a corporate setting, my internship that was going to get me my first paycheck. It was thrilling and exciting, and I felt like the world was my playground. I remember having a new phone then and I had recently started using WhatsApp just a year ago or so. There were groups and it was fun to talk as ...

jaee jadhav

When the Support Matters...

🦌 With ears twitching and eyes wide, the deer detects danger in a heartbeat.🐿 Nervous but quick, the squirrel’s constant vigilance keeps it one step ahead.🦌 Swift and ever watchful, the antelope senses danger long before it strikes! Yes, it’s all here too. I am confident about these earned senses I have ,over the last 10 years. While no two days are identical, they often appear similar - consta...

When the Support Matters...
Aastha Sneha Pathak


I hear the cry when I am not in the same room when you open your eyes. I roll my eyes , dropping whatever I was doing. Here comes the first in the series of commands for the day. I see you rubbing your eyes, asking if you have to go to school, and the look of sheer sadness that follows. I hold your face, your tiny tiny face in the cup of my arms. The most fragrant smell in the world fills up my no...

Saurabh Hirani


Listen to the audio recording hereघरों के बाहर पड़े जूतों की गिनती बताती हैं।मैं कितना अकेला हूँ।सूनी दीवारों की दरारों से मेरी गहरी पहचान बताती हैं।मैं कितना अकेला हूँ।बहलाया करता था मैं एक ज़माने में।इधर-उधर की बातें और बेतुके सवालों को।पर आजकल एक असहज चुप्पी गिरफ़्तार कर चुकी हैं।मेरे सरकटे ख़्यालों को।कभी-कभी सोचता हूँ - कितना अकेला हूँ मैं?क्या अकेलेपन का कोई वज़न का सकता हैं? क्या कोई उसकी ग...

Saurabh Hirani

Wednesday evenings

He often used to wonder how each day, although the same, felt so different when it was tagged with its characteristic name. A name, which sketched a face and associated emotions with each day. From the grumpy, old, sleepy-headed Mondays to the lazy, joyous, gift wrapped Sundays. You knew what the gift was, but the childlike excitement of tearing the silky glossy paper, of untying the bright red ri...

Sameer Gudhate

Through My Lens: A Routine Day in My Life

What if the essence of life could be distilled into a single day? My routine, like a well-worn path, leads me through moments of love, struggle, and joy, weaving a rich tapestry that reflects who I am. Each day is a unique chapter in the story of my life, and I cherish the small yet profound experiences that shape me. As dawn breaks, my alarm chimes at 4:00 AM. This hour is my sanctuary, a slice o...

Through My Lens: A Routine Day in My Life