sanika joshi

3 months ago

Books of 2024 - Book 9

Oliver Twist

I had bought this book a couple of years back but hadn’t read it till now. I have read all of Jane Austen’s books but had never read any other classic. The world that Charles Dickens has constructed is very different from Jane Austen’s. This feels more real even for today. But I felt that Jane Austen’s description of the surrounding and emotions are what makes her books so popular. But enough with comparisons 😀.

Oliver Twist is filled with drama and suspense. From the beginning you are rooting for little innocent boy Oliver. It has lot of twists and turns where you will think that he is now stuck in awful situation forever. But it is a happy ending. I greatly enjoyed the book. Will definitely be trying another one of Charles Dickens’s books soon. 

Comments ( 3 )

Satyajeet Jadhav

3 months ago

Very well written review. I feel like reading the book now.

Parnal Sattikar

2 months ago

Thanks for the review Sanika. Will surely give it a shot !!

sanika joshi

2 months ago

Thanks Satyajeet and Parnal :)

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