Archana K B

a month ago

Double take

Sitting in my balcony sipping tea, I notice cloud bubbles in the sky. Beautiful phenomenon. A pattern from the nature. How many blessed people would have noticed such things? 

I took the mobile. Clicked the pic. Thought of posting an Insta story. That’s what I would have done few years ago. Or maybe a full fledged post with “deep” meaning or random captions which either would evoke a 🔥 reply from the new “Gen Z”, or make people think for a moment what weirdo I am. But that’s in the past. I see how the photo turned out and then deleted it. 

Why I did that? My mind was tricking me into negative thinking. Throwing me questions( Sawal pe sawal dialogue). Why you want to clutter your mobile phone storage? Aren’t you already paying for Google photo storage? Don’t you remember the kiddo asking why I was having strange photos like these when Google nostalgia aunty throws memories on the front page? And then the deep ones. What purpose does it serve to save these many photos? Why can’t you just enjoy the moment? Listen to all the past and future gurus, presently called as influencers, preach to us. Be present. 

So I looked up again, and I see the pattern is fading. I took a picture again.

I listened to the gut instinct. Why? Mainly because I never had a liking towards the Gurus and the new influencers. And as per “Thinking fast and slow”, and other “self help books based on science”, which I have started but not(or never) completed yet, the invisible powers of the soul in your mind do know better. In the hope that we have feeding nourishing food for thought and avoiding junk, I believe it will guide us in dire circumstances like these. 

Did you do any double takes today? 



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